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Sweet Summertime

With summer nearing an end, it feels bitter-sweet to reflect on the many adventures we've been through. Our California vacation was the kicked of the summer with a bang. But each trip to the farmer's market, fair or park hold sentimental memories themselves. Many activities can be expensive, but I've found that the most meaningful were the most simple. T​rips to the Splash Pad O​ne of the cheapest activities that our little girl enjoyed the most was each trip we took to play at the local splash pads. Even if we went by ourselves, it was fun to watch her run through the water and learn to make friends. One hack that I've learned is to bring along a bucket or some sort of water toy along. Simple toys seem to launch Charly into her own make believe world and it's the most precious thing to watch. Local Movies in the Park O​ne activity that we've started enjoying are the movies in the park hosted by the city. Now that our toddler ha

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